Hello. I have my own company for drug supply. Everything is legally with me and I have all documents and permits. But I'm still afraid of verification and investigation. So how to protect your company from this? I know that there are many scammers now, but I do not want an illegal investigation in my company. How to protect yourself from this?
Recently, my uncle also spoke about this. He really sells illegal medical products on the Internet, because he makes these drugs himself from natural ingredients. Now he is afraid of investigation because of this and does not know what to do. But do not worry, read how to protect yourself from this and everything will be fine.
So, now there is a big risk of getting counterfeit drugs or importing counterfeit drugs, so the FDA monitors the quality of USA medicines very closely. In order to prevent your company from being investigated, I suggest you read this article on this site https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/how-to-defend-your-company-during-an-fda-investigation-62560, which describes in detail why your company may be under investigation and what to do to prevent this.